
just a thought

i came across some thoughts, quotes & sayings i've had for several years. they're very simple & basic but i feel like sharing them, more so in hopes that they'll sink into my head.

Everything in His time

*In order to grow we must learn how to love & accept correction, and then, how to give it*

if you have a problem - face it. It's the only way to correct it & grow.

I find life funny. It's rather ironic at times. I think it's funny that God created humans to give glory to Him and now the majority of humans mock Him & curse Him. He created a perfect paradise for adam & eve & gave them everything they could ever want or need and yet eve screwed it all up. and God knew they would do that. now there's death, destruction, disease, despair, etc. (notice how everything negative starts with "d" except negative itself?! d*mn.) and then the craziest part about all of that is that the very Being that created this had to DIE to save it. i don't understand why, God being the all-knowing God that He is, would KNOWINGLY create us if He already knew that we were going to muck things up? please. explain that one to me. i can't wrap my mind around it. why would He purposely create hurt & pain for Himself? He already KNEW what was going to happen! at least that's what i've learned over the years. why would someone put themselves in a situation that they knew would hurt them if they did? mind boggling, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Thought provoking indeed. Keep writing, Jill. One needs must do what one has a natural gift for ;)
