
wat up wit dat?


sometimes that's the only fitting response to situations in life.

some people, i tell ya.  makes a person want to throw their arms up into the air & scream with all of their might, "I GIVE!".  then...at that moment, they make you want to bring those arms back down into earth's atmosphere juuuuust long enough for you to grab them by the shoulders & pull their heads out of their arses so you can make dang certain that they can hear every last word about what you have to say. now, once you're done tearing them a new one, promptly bend them over so you can kick their heads riiiight back up into their bootwuas where it was before you had to get down & dirty with them.  and in a perfect world, they would care about what you had to say & they would turn from their ars-hole ways & all would be well in the world once again.

in a perfect world.

do you ever try to do a nice & friendly thing for someone only for it to be taken WAY the wrong way & thrown back into your face?  i mean, seriously.  what's up with that?  *not to be mistaken with SNL's "what up wit dat?" segment.  ;)

i think that's enough shenanigans for today.  toodles.


what have you

so, after spending the last hour of my morning facebook stalking people, mostly people I do not know at all, mind you, I have come to some conclusions.

1.) First, there are some VERY attractive people out there. I mean, seriously. Thank you, attractive people, for sharing your attractiveness with us. I'm realizing that this could sound rather creepy...& it probably is creepy. Note that I, however, am not a creep. But then I suppose only creeps would have to say they weren't creeps...so i give. Think what you may.

2.) Second, people can be pretty unbelievable. And by this I do not mean amazing - more like idiotic. It made me laugh a bit, I won't lie. I will not name any names just on the off chance that someone reading this could know these persons but let me just say this, that when I reflected back on my life upon seeing some of these idiotic things it made me SO happy with my life :)  for as many unfortunate decisions I have made in my life I feel slight genius in comparison. I bet I sound a bit of a jerk...eh. oh well.

3.) Fact: Winter is of the devil. I want sunshine & beaches & bright blue skies with gorgeous white fluffy clouds so I can sit on the green green grass & read a book while listening to AMAZING music while sipping something yummy.  *sigh  I need to go there. NOW. I am humble enough to accept donations for this cause should there be any willing.

So, in conclusion, I am a thankful creep that can be a bit of a jerk at times who is longing for summer to make my life complete.

Make it a sultry Saturday people!